It’s all about the Biosphere!

Do you love the Earth? Not just parts of the Earth but the whole Earth? If you do, it’s probably because you see the Earth as an actual, living being instead of just some big round rock floating in space, that just so happens to have a very thin layer of biological organisms growing on the surface. I’m going to show you how it’s not just the surface but the entire planet is alive! And actually it’s not just planet Earth but THE ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM IS ALIVE!! And most amazing of all is that from the proper (systems) perspective, the body of the living solar system looks very much like your own human body. Imagine that.

Check out the video above, which explains how planet Earth is the “heart planet” of a living solar system, functioning as the heart, lungs and digestive system of the solar system, which is a photosynthetic organism on a cosmic scale. All living organisms, both plants and animals, have biorhythms. The MONAD Calendar-Clock app is a dynamic model of Earth’s predominantly plant-based, photosynthetic biosphere. Monad measures and demonstrates the three main planetary, photosynthetic biorhythms: the solar day, lunar month & seasonal year.

MONAD provides a monadic view of our lives, organized around our common center the Earth. Planet Earth is organized in concentric layers and shells. From the inside out, there is a solid inner core, a liquid outer core, the lower mantle, the upper mantle, the oceanic crust and the continental crust. There is a hydrosphere, atmosphere and magnetosphere. The biosphere is commonly described as those regions on the surface of Earth, in the atmosphere and hydrosphere, occupied by living organisms. Vladimir Vernadsky and James Lovelock are largely responsible for our modern conception of the biosphere. But our understanding of the biosphere is grossly inadequate as long as we think it is limited to just a thin coating on the surface of the Earth.

Figure 1: The Biomass Distribution of the Biosphere by Kingdom. From an article:
The biomass distribution on Earth, by Yinon M. Bar-On, Rob Phillips, and Ron Milo.

Planet Earth has a predominantly plant-based biosphere. Plants growing on Earth form the bulk of the biosphere organisms. (83% of the biomass of the biosphere organisms is made up of plants. Another 16% is made up of soil bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms that facilitate the growth of plants. Animals make up less than one half of 1% of the biomass of the biosphere. Planet Earth is home to almost 8 billion humans, accounting for 2.5% of the animal biomass. Such a tiny fraction of the whole, and yet our human, industrial society is threatening the health of the entire biosphere.)

In a living solar system, the “heart planet” (Earth) gives rise to plants, which are fractal, biological extensions of the hydrologic cycle, the circulatory system of a living solar system. Each individual plant on planet Earth is a cell in the body of a living solar system. Plants are the biological tissue of a living solar system. Plants are rooted in the Earth, but they are electrically charged by the Sun (through photosynthesis), and the tidal rhythms of the Moon flow within plants. The solar system as a whole can and should be thought of as a photosynthetic organism on a celestial scale, complementary to our animal organism.

Planet Earth Is The Heart Of A Living Solar System.

The illustration below shows a being I call MetaGaia. You’re probably already familiar with the concept of Gaia; that Earth is a living organism, with its own physiology. But I believe that planet Earth (and its biosphere) is not an organism but an organ system in the body of the living solar system. The fact is, the living Earth, with a photosynthetic biosphere, doesn’t exist without the Sun and Moon.

A scientific theory of the Chakra system.
The Sun is the Crown Chakra and planet Earth is the Heart Chakra.

Life takes radically different forms at different scales. As above, so below, but in a different fashion. It’s complementary. The illustration above shows the Endocrine-Circulatory System of Chakras. The word ‘chakra’ is from the Sanskrit and it means wheel. Maybe you’ve seen pictures of the chakra system, consisting of 7 or more energetic, wheel-like structures stacked vertically in the body. The theory is that each chakra is ruled by a planet, and sympathetically manifests an organ system in the body reflecting the nature and characteristics of that ruling planet. In this scientific system of chakras, the Sun is the crown chakra and Earth is the heart chakra or “heart planet” of the solar system.

The Heart Chakra is ruled by planet Earth;
Earth at the center of a time- and date-telling celestial ring.

Note the wheel-like structure of the MONAD Calendar-Clock; Earth at the center of the celestial ring, and how the space surrounding the Earth can be divided into 4 quadrants, equivalent to the four chambers of a heart. You’ve got the north and south hemispheres of the Earth, separated by the equatorial plane, equivalent to the right and left sides of the heart. These two hemispheres are divided into quadrants by the Earth’s circle of illumination, which separates the light from the dark half of Earth. Note that with MONAD, a vertical orientation of the Earth – Sun axis is always maintained, with the Sun fixed at noon at the top of the 24 hour dial. The light half of Earth’s hydrosphere is equivalent to the blood flowing through the lungs, while the dark half of Earth’s hydrosphere is equivalent to blood flowing through the digestive system and the rest of the body. (By the way, the hydrosphere is defined as all the water on the surface and in the atmosphere of Earth.)

Note how the Sun heats water on the surface of the Earth, which turns to vapor and rises up into the atmosphere, like the blood is ejected from the heart up into the lungs. As the Earth slowly spins relative to the Sun, this water vapor in the atmosphere is carried to the opposite, dark side of the planet where it’s cooler, allowing water vapor to condense and fall as rain. This planetary hydrologic cycle is equivalent to the circulatory system in animals. The Earth spinning once per day relative to the Sun creates a rotary pulse of light-powered photosynthesis. From this systems perspective, the solar system is a photosynthetic organism on a cosmic scale.

Two Trees, representing the Light and Dark phases of photosynthesis.

The illustration above shows two Trees growing out of the Earth, symbolically representing the two phases of photosynthesis. The top Tree is equivalent to the lungs and represents the light phase of photosynthesis, which is solar powered, and occurs when light from the Sun activates chlorophyll in plants, driving a chemical reaction that charges cellular batteries, called ATP, and produces oxygen as a waste product that gets released into the atmosphere. Sunlight is as vital to plants as oxygen is to animals.

The bottom Tree represents the dark phase of photosynthesis, which can be performed in the absence of light; it involves building and maintaining plant material and is equivalent to the digestive system in animals. Individual plants don’t have a digestive system, but they do “eat” by filtering carbon dioxide molecules out of the atmosphere, like a blue whale filters plankton out of the ocean. Plants grow by using solar-powered cellular batteries to assemble these carbon dioxide molecules into glucose molecules, part of a chemical pathway called the Calvin Cycle. Glucose molecules can be further linked together to form starch & cellulose; which is what plants are made of.

Plants & Animals: Biological Complements.

Instead of photosynthesis, animals use a complementary chemical process, known as cellular respiration, in order to charge their cellular batteries. Cellular respiration has equivalent light and dark phases.

The “light phase” of respiration occurs when animals inhale the oxygen generated by plants into their lungs, which are equivalent to the light half of the hydrosphere and atmosphere surrounding Earth exposed to the Sun, above the Earth’s circle of illumination. This oxygen is absorbed into the blood flowing through the lungs, passes back through the heart and out to the cells making up the rest of the body. Oxygen is as vital to animals as sunlight is to plants.

The “dark phase” of respiration occurs when oxygen in the blood gets transported to the digestive system and other user cells throughout the body (arterial distribution), then into mitochondria which perform the Kreb’s cycle, turning sugar + oxygen into water, carbon dioxide and charged cellular batteries (ATP), the exact same ATP molecule used by plants. These cellular batteries power all the cellular activities that allow animal bodies to grow and be active. In the process, carbon dioxide molecules are generated as a waste product; they are exhaled back into the atmosphere where they once again become available for plants to eat and grow more plant material. Together, plants & animals perform a ‘Perpetuum Mobile’ of life.

Animals are complementary organisms; complementary to the solar system as a whole. All animals depend on plants and the biosphere to: 1) make the food they eat (plants are constructed out of sugar molecules) and, 2) make the oxygen they breathe. Respiration relies on photosynthesis’ by-products, and photosynthesis relies on respiration’s by-products.

The Earth and its biosphere is the heart, lungs, digestive system and circulatory system of a living, photosynthetic solar system. The three phase hydrosphere and the atmosphere which flows around the Earth is equivalent to the blood that flows through your heart and lungs. Both plants and animals are driven by the same chronomes (structures in time) which are the planetary biorhythms that result from the gravitational and electromagnetic forces acting on the solar system’s configuration of spinning planets orbiting a central Sun. (If you want to find out even more about how the celestial bodies and other planetary chakras may be having an impact on our human bodies, check out the MetaGaia page and this series of 4 videos on the subject of Scientific Astrology.)

Plants are our partners in life. They need us and we desperately need them. We humans, along with all the other animals, have an essential role to play in maintaining the planetary biosphere. We humans are not just part of the biosphere, we share the same biological form as the photosynthetic solar system, in a complementary fashion. Plants grow our food and make the very oxygen we need to breathe and stay alive. You would have to be crazy, lazy and legitimately insane, a danger to yourself and others, to pollute the biosphere and not protest the indiscriminate destruction and pollution of the water and soil that our plant partners grow out of. The ongoing destruction of the rain forest is equivalent to the destruction of the lungs of the photosynthetic organism that is the living solar system, whose heart planet we live on and have our interconnected, interdependent existence. (Check out: How to Restore the Biosphere: A 12 Step Program.)